Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Criminalization of Dissent

The Department of Homeland Security has just dispatched to local law enforcement a paper on what it considers to be the gravest threat to America. The threat is not Al Queda. The threat is not a nuclear Iran. The threat is not Pirates on the Horn of Africa.

The threat is internal. The threat is real. The threat is imminent. The threat is anyone who is politically to the right of the administration. Really. They are serious.

We have now reached a point in America where political free speech rights being exercised may well put you on a watch list for domestic terror suspects. Such vile acts as being opposed to unlimited abortion rights. Such vile acts as the belief that the Constitution should be the supreme law of the land, including that troublesome 10th amendment and the limits it places on the power of the Federal government. Such vile acts as volunteering for military service, honoring that commitment to the cause of liberty at much risk to yourself, and returning home. All of these seditious behaviors are specifically mentioned as warning signs in this document provided to local law enforcement by DHS.

The current administration is actively working to circumvent the Bill of Rights, the 1st, 2nd, and 10th amendments in particular, through the de facto criminalization of political dissent. Just a few short months ago, the press and the left(if they are indeed separate organs) espoused the view that dissent was the highest form of patriotism. This is no longer true in the Age of Obama.

Be prepared for continued bullying of dissenters, and intimidation of non-believers of the Way that Obama espouses. America has a glorious history of being tolerant of dissent....of encouraging free speech...of respecting the heartfelt beliefs of those that peacefully oppose the policies of government. Those days may now be over. Be prepared to either acquiesce to the demands of government, or find the boot of the federal bureaucracy placed firmly on your throat. Let us pray that enough Americans are paying attention to the rapid erosion of individual Liberty. The voting booth is the best weapon we have.

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